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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a troop, what is a patrol?

A Boy Scout Troop is a group of young men, from 6th grade to 12th grade, dedicated to the ideals of Scouting (leadership, outdoor skills, community involvement). A patrol is a subset of boys from a single troop, who work together to achieve new things.

How often do you meet?

The Troop collectively meets every Monday, mostly at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, located in Palm Harbor. Often, patrols will meet outside of this meeting as well, usually on weekends.

What does it cost to be a scout?

Initial fees are $50 to join. The uniform and supplies can vary. Please see We also have a community bin of used uniform items, some fairly new and some show how active we are as a pack. (needs edit)

What if we have soccer, baseball, golf, etc?

Sports and other activities are great for character building, just like scouting. Our schedules are voluntary and ranks can be completed at your own pace. However, it is proven best to participate with the troop.

How do I know what Troop I should join?

Find a pack that fits with your family’s ideals and schedule. All scouts focus on enrichment, service, and outdoor skills. Our troop has scouts from Tarpon, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater, Oldsmar, Safety Harbor, and other surrounding communities.

Can we try it out without a commitment?

Everyone is welcome to attend any and all troop functions.

Is my son too young to start?

We accept new scouts from any middle or high school grade.

Do we have to camp?

No, but many ranks can not be achieved without camping at least once or twice. Also, often times camping presents the best experiences, and many leadership positions require camping in order for scouts to be able to lead.

The Troop meets every Monday

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection
1555 Windmill Pointe Rd
Palm Harbor, FL 34685

Fishing time